Super Go-Quad 46
Engine Type Four Port 2 Stroke
Fuel92 Octane Oil Mixture Per Manufacturer Recomendations
Fuel Capacity
Large 1.5L patented gas tank with Reinforced
mounting plate
TransmissionAutomaic Centrifugal Clutch
DriveChain Drive - 6/64 stock sprocket ratio
Brakes RearFull rear axle Caliper Brake
WheelsMach 12 reinforced high impact polymer rims
TiresSolid Full 6 inch Rubber Go-Active replaceable tires
Suggested UsageCompetition And Family Fun
Patented heavy Duty yet ultra light aircraft
quality carbon/chromoly steel frame
Includes throttle, brakes, kill switch, and
adjustable Ackerman steering
Heavy Duty Live Rear Axle
Larger seating area easier to mount/dismount
Fits adults and children without any adjustements
Lightweight and Compact - Easily fits in a standard size car trunk
Fully assembled, Designed and State of the Art Manufactured in the USA
* May vary depending on rider's weight and